Sa Nang Manora Forest Park, Phang Nga

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On our little exploratory drive around Phang Nga a couple of weeks ago, as well s visiting the very interesting Wat Thamtapan temple and eating good food with a great view at Tha Sai Seafood, we also stopped for a little walk at Sa Nang Manora Forest Park which had been recommended by friends. Since we were already in Phang Nga town checking out the temple, we thought "well, why not?" and headed out of town on the road north (which incidentally I'd like to follow further one day). Sa Nang Manora is only about 5 kilometers from Phang Nga town, then another couple of km down a side road to the right. Entry appears to be free. On this hot Saturday, there were only a few cars and a couple of local songthaew buses parked at the entrance.

Sa Nang Manora Forest Park

Local Songtaew buses at Sa Nang Manora forest park, Phang Nga

It's very "jungly" with some big trees and lots of vines hanging down. A 2km nature trail is shown on a sign with such features as "Bat Cave" and "Shell Cave" marked. We did not walk 2km.. maybe next time! We just walked a way through the trees to find some pools and waterfalls.

Forest at Sa Nang Manora

And we will come back for sure, next time with swimming clothes and towels, for the nicest part of this forest park is the series of small waterfalls and pools, ideal for a swim on a hot, hot day. We'd not anticipated a waterfall that day, so did not have any swimming things with us. All we could do was paddle in the cool, cool water.

At Sa Nang Manora Forest Park

The waterfalls are nothing spectacular, but combined with the jungle setting, the lack of crowds, the peace and quiet, it's a little slice of paradise. Note to self : next time bring swimming clothes, towels ... and a picnic.

Waterfall at Sa Nang Manora

Waterfall at Sa Nang Manora Forest Park, Phang Nga

I like to get the kids out and about. They come with us wherever we go, exploring Phuket and the surrounding area. There's more to be learned than can be found in school books. They got plenty on this particular day - caves, waterfalls, a very weird temple, lots of great scenery ... a nice family day out. Here they are, posing on a fallen tree with their Mum's cousin (once removed). He's an army ranger and was having a short break staying with us before being shipped back to the restless south.

Sa Nang Manora Forest Park

And there's more I want to see in the Phang Nga area such as the fishing village at Bang Pat, a temple called Wat Bang Riang, and Raman waterfall park which is close to the temple in a cave at Wat Suwan Kuha. I do love days like this with the family when we just drive off and explore, always seem to find something unexpected.

Sa Nang Manora Forest Park - Location Map

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